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Cathy & Austin : now one

Hello Everyone

Blog time again and we have a number ready to go!!

Cathy and Austin married on April 24, 2010 in New Holland, PA at Petra Christian Fellowship. I wanted to share with you a set of images captured during the ceremony that have blessed me and have given me more passion for capturing images. Let me explain...

As I look over these images I see more than just people wearing nice clothes...maybe clothes they may never wear again. I see more than just people standing on a stage and in places of prominent view (even if they don't like being on center stage). What I do see is:

Two mom's lighting a candle reflecting on the life of the one they now release...

A man in transition to something new and exciting and something he has long been anticipating...

the support of little and big...

the joy in receiving and giving away to the more that is in store...

a community of people surrounding one another in worship of a Creator that surrounds them...

the encouragement of mentors that will help guide Cathy and Austin and be there yesterday, today, and for years to come...

a commitment being made and instruction being given and the mystery of two becoming one...

participating with elements to remember this day that they are no longer two individuals but now together, forever...

prayers and knowledge of others being imparted to Cathy and Austin...

a first kiss...literally...this is something that I have rarely seen or have had the privilege of capturing...

...this is a series that I wish hugs and smiles could talk...or do they?

the joy ahead of a new life together as Mr. and Mrs...

Bless you Cathy and Austin...your commitment to one another has inspired me...your family and relationships challenge me...may these images be a reminder of that cool April day where you became one!

1 comment:

Austin Ginder said...

Both Cathy and I have throughly enjoyed having Jeremy Hess & Crew involved in our very special day. Our story begins here ...

Thanks so much, your pictures speak for themselves.