Welcome to Our Blog!

We are a team of photographers who LOVE what we do! Here you will find posts on our recent work and ramblings on our lives. There are lots of new and exciting things happening at Jeremy Hess Photographers so be sure to check back often for updates and news!


Rings, warehouses, and parking gargages

Hey Guys and Gals, Matt here. I love meeting brides and grooms, I love hearing their stories and finding out what makes them uniquely them. I love hearing how they met, how they feel in love, and how the big question was popped… the art of sharing our lives with each other is a beautiful thing.

I meet Shawn and Lisa a couple of weeks ago here in our studio. He is a web developer, she is a nurse. They fell in love and this summer they will celebrate their love and become Mr. and Mrs. Groupe.

Here’s a couple of images from our short time together. We walked around an old warehouse downtown, then to a couple of their favorite places in the city.

We then wrapped it all up with a nice delightful chai from a local coffee house and some fun conversations about life.

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