Welcome to Our Blog!

We are a team of photographers who LOVE what we do! Here you will find posts on our recent work and ramblings on our lives. There are lots of new and exciting things happening at Jeremy Hess Photographers so be sure to check back often for updates and news!



TODAY our CANON 5D Mark II arrived. I normally don't get too excited about new tech tools...but this...is one of the most anticipated cameras on the market right now! And we have one! We are so excited to hit the streets tomorrow night at first friday. I ordered this camera 20 minutes after it was released back in September...and well enough waiting.

Here are a few images of our new Canon 5D Mark II


Anonymous said...

Lo-Uuhhh-Vee It.

~marci said...

oh man I really miss you guys!!!!! Sweet...can't wait to see the 1st Friday pics...and how about posting some from the Philly trip~ you did take some, didn't you??
hugs to all,

Anonymous said...

saweeeeeet! Congrats man.